Zobacz pełną wersję : Drobna (?) modyfikacja Google AdSense Mambot

11-10-2007, 22:25

Używam bota jak w temacie, z założeniem aby wyświetlał mi między innymi jednostkę reklamy pod pierwszym newsem na stronie głównej (oraz na podstronach kategorii). Niestety bot ładuje kod reklamy pod każdego newsa (można zerknąć do kodu mojej strony głównej, kodów AdSense jest tyle ile newsów - kilkanaście).

Pytanko: czy można przerobić kod tego bota, aby reklamę dawał tylko pod pierwszy news, nie pod wszystkie? Próbowałem sam, ale w php jestem średnio zorientowany...

Moja strona główna: www.e-gory.pl (widać reklamę pod pierwszym newsem, a pod następnymi trzema brzydkie duże dziury - w kodzie strony pod każdym newsem wrzucony jest kod reklamy)

Kod pliku bot_adsense.php:


defined('_VALID_MOS') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.') ;

$_MAMBOTS->registerFunction('onPrepareContent', 'botGoogleAds') ;

function botGoogleAds($published, &$row, &$mosParams, $page=0)
global $database, $mosConfig_live_site ;
$linksSuffix = '' ;

$query = "SELECT id FROM #__mambots WHERE element = 'bot_adsense' AND folder = 'content'";

$database->setQuery( $query );
$id = $database->loadResult();
$mambot = new mosMambot( $database );
$mambot->load( $id );
$params =& new mosParameters( $mambot->params );

if ($params->get('google_adlinks') == '0')
$adFormat = $params->get('google_ad_format') ;

switch ($adFormat)
case "728x90_as" :
$ad_width = 728 ;
$ad_height = 90 ;
break ;
case "468x60_as" :
$ad_width = 468 ;
$ad_height = 60 ;
break ;
case "234x60_as" :
$ad_width = 243 ;
$ad_height = 60 ;
break ;
case "125x125_as" :
$ad_width = 125 ;
$ad_height = 125 ;
break ;
case "120x600_as" :
$ad_width = 120 ;
$ad_height = 600 ;
break ;
case "160x600_as" :
$ad_width = 160 ;
$ad_height = 600 ;
break ;
case "120x240_as" :
$ad_width = 120 ;
$ad_height = 240 ;
break ;
case "300x250_as" :
$ad_width = 300 ;
$ad_height = 250 ;
break ;
case "250x250_as" :
$ad_width = 250 ;
$ad_height = 250 ;
break ;
case "336x280_as" :
$ad_width = 336 ;
$ad_height = 280 ;
break ;
case "180x150_as" :
$ad_width = 180 ;
$ad_height = 150 ;
break ;
$adFormat = $params->get('google_adlink_format') ;

switch ($adFormat)
case "728x15_0ads_al" :
$ad_width = 728 ;
$ad_height = 15 ;
break ;
case "468x15_0ads_al" :
$ad_width = 468 ;
$ad_height = 15 ;
break ;
case "200x90_0ads_al" :
$ad_width = 200 ;
$ad_height = 90 ;
break ;
case "180x90_0ads_al" :
$ad_width = 180 ;
$ad_height = 90 ;
break ;
case "160x90_0ads_al" :
$ad_width = 160 ;
$ad_height = 90 ;
break ;
case "120x90_0ads_al" :
$ad_width = 120 ;
$ad_height = 90 ;
break ;

if ($params->get('google_adlink_links') == '5')
$linksSuffix = '_s' ;

$alternate = "" ;

if ($params->get('google_collapse') == 'yes')
$alternate = "google_alternate_ad_url = \"" . $mosConfig_live_site . "/mambots/content/google_adsense_script.html\";\r\n" ; //Collapse Ads

if ($params->get('google_ad_alt_url') && !$alternate)
$alternate = "google_alternate_ad_url = \"" . $params->get('google_ad_alt_url') . "\";\r\n" ;
if ($params->get('google_ad_alt_color') && !$alternate)
$alternate = "google_alternate_color = \"" . $params->get('google_ad_alt_color') . "\";\r\n" ;

//Retrieve channel from mos_user_extended
if ($params->get('google_user_extended'))
$ueField = $params->get('google_ue_field') ;

$query = "SELECT $ueField FROM #__user_extended WHERE id = '$row->created_by'";

$database->setQuery( $query );
$channel = $database->loadResult();

//The ad code is split so I can change the channel info for each ad
$googleAd1 = "<script language=\"javascript\">\r\n"
. "<!--\r\n"
. "google_ad_client = \"" . $params->get('google_ad_client') . "\";\r\n"
. ( $alternate ? $alternate : "" )
. "google_ad_width = " . $ad_width . "; \r\n"
. "google_ad_height = " . $ad_height . "; \r\n"
. "google_ad_format = \"" . $adFormat . $linksSuffix . "\"; \r\n" ;
$googleAd2 = "google_ad_channel = \"" . ($channel ? $channel : $params->get('google_ad_channel')) . "\"; \r\n" ;
$googleAd3 = ( $params->get('google_ad_in_frame') ? "google_page_url = document.location; \r\n" : "")
. "google_ad_type = \"" . $params->get('google_ad_type') . "\"; \r\n"
. "google_color_border = \"" . $params->get('google_color_border') . "\"; \r\n"
. "google_color_bg = \"" . $params->get('google_color_bg') . "\"; \r\n"
. "google_color_link = \"" . $params->get('google_color_link') . "\"; \r\n"
. "google_color_url = \"" . $params->get('google_color_url') . "\"; \r\n"
. "google_color_text = \"" . $params->get('google_color_text') . "\"; \r\n"
. "//--> \r\n"
. "</script>\r\n"
. "<script language=\"javascript\" src=\"http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js\"></script>\r\n"
. "<!-- end of google ads -->\r\n" ;

if ($params->get('google_autoAds') == 'yes')
$googleAd = $googleAd1 . $googleAd2 . $googleAd3 ;
$regex = "#{mosgoogle.*?\}#s" ;
$regexBreak = '/{(mospagebreak)\s*(.*?)}/i' ;

$row->text = preg_replace($regex, "", $row->text) ; //Hide all {mosgoogle} tags present in the text

if (!in_array($row->sectionid, explode(",", $params->get('google_exclude_section'))) && !($mosParams->get( 'intro_only' ) && $params->get('google_hide_introAds'))) //If not processing excluded section or hidden intro ad
$align = $params->get('google_default_align') ;
$margin = $params->get('google_margin') ;
$matches = array() ;
$regexBreak = '/{(mospagebreak)\s*(.*?)}/i' ;

preg_match_all( $regexBreak, $row->text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ; //Search item for {mospagebreak}
$text = preg_split( $regexBreak, $row->text ) ; //And split into pages

$n = count( $text ) ;

$google_position = "top" ;

if ($params->get('google_autoAds_position') == "top")
if ($mosParams->get( 'intro_only' ))
$row->text = alignAd($align, $margin, $googleAd) . $row->text ;
$row->text = "" ;

for ($i=0 ; $i<$n ; $i++)
$row->text .= alignAd($align, $margin, $googleAd) . $text[$i] . $matches[$i][0] ; //Insert an ad at top of every page
if ($mosParams->get( 'intro_only' ))
$row->text = $row->text . alignAd($align, $margin, $googleAd) ;
$row->text = "" ;

for ($i=0 ; $i<$n ; $i++)
$row->text .= $text[$i] . alignAd($align, $margin, $googleAd) . $matches[$i][0] ; //Insert an ad at bottom of every page

return true ;

$GLOBALS['botMosGoogle1'] = $googleAd1 ;
$GLOBALS['botMosGoogle2'] = $googleAd2 ;
$GLOBALS['botMosGoogle3'] = $googleAd3 ;
$GLOBALS['botMosGoogleAlign'] = $params->get('google_default_align') ;
$GLOBALS['botMosGoogleMargin'] = $params->get('google_margin') ;

$regex = "/{(mosgoogle)\s*(.*?)}/i" ;

$row->text = preg_replace_callback($regex, 'botMosGoogle_replacer', $row->text) ;

unset($GLOBALS['botMosGoogle1']) ;
unset($GLOBALS['botMosGoogle2']) ;
unset($GLOBALS['botMosGoogle3']) ;
unset($GLOBALS['botMosGoogleAlign']) ;
unset($GLOBALS['botMosGoogleMargin']) ;

return true ;

function botMosGoogle_replacer( &$matches )
$googleAd1 = $GLOBALS['botMosGoogle1'] ;
$googleAd2 = $GLOBALS['botMosGoogle2'] ;
$googleAd3 = $GLOBALS['botMosGoogle3'] ;

$align = $GLOBALS['botMosGoogleAlign'] ;
$margin = $GLOBALS['botMosGoogleMargin'] ;

$adParams = explode(" ", $matches[2]) ;

$adParams[0] = strtolower($adParams[0]) ;

$channel = $adParams[1] ; // Assume channel info is in 2nd parameter

switch ($adParams[0])
case "left" :
$align = "left" ;
break ;
case "right" :
$align = "right" ;
break ;
case "center" :
$align = "center" ;
break ;
case "none" :
$align = "none" ;
break ;
default :
if (!$adParams[1]) //There was no align param; channel info, if exists, is in 1st param
$channel = $adParams[0] ;

break ;

return alignAd($align, $margin, $googleAd1 . ( $channel ? "google_ad_channel = \"" . $channel . "\"; \r\n" : $googleAd2 ) . $googleAd3) ;

function alignAd($align, $margin, $googleAd)
if ($align == "none")
return "<div style=\"margin-top: 10px; \">".$googleAd."</div>" ;

if ($align != "center")
return "<div style='float:".$align."; margin-top:".$margin."px ; margin-left:".$margin."px ; margin-right:".$margin."px ; margin-bottom:".$margin."px ;'>".$googleAd."</div>" ;

return "<div align='center'>".$googleAd."</div>" ;
