Zobacz pełną wersję : komponent mambowiki

21-07-2008, 23:11
mam problem z instalacją tego komponentu...
otrzymuję info: Failed to move uploaded file to /media directory.

szukałam odpowiedzi co zrobić z tym fantem i oto co znalazłam

Because the PHP default maximum upload size is 2MB and the component is 2.4MB, the upload will fail when using a default PHP configuration.
You can increase the value of the upload_max_filesize PHP.ini variable to allow for a larger file.
Even if the file can be uploaded, the PHP default process timeout is 30 seconds. The period includes the time to upload the component file (how long will it take for you to upload a 2.4MB file?). So within the default 30 second window the component must be uploaded, unzipped by PHP and installed by the Joomla installer. Very ofter 30 seconds is not long enough.
To address this issue, change the max_execution_time value in PHP.ini to allow for a longer installation time.
If you cannot change your PHP.ini (because you are on a hosted or shared server), upload the component file manually and unzip it into a directory on the server. Then use the option in the Joomla component installer to install from the directory you create on the server.
If you cannot change PHP.ini and you are comfortable with PHP then you can change the setting for your Joomla/Mambo by adding three lines of PHP to index.php (or configurtation.php or globals.php or some other file that Joomla *always* executes). The change is to add lines like the following:
ini_set('upload_max_filesize', '3MB'); // Allow 3MB file uploads
ini_set('max_execution_time', 300); // Timeout in seconds
ini_set('memory_limit', '10MB'); // memory_limit
pytanie w którym pliku to dopisać ....niby jest napisane ale jakoś to nie działa....

prosze mądrzejszych ode mnie.... wierzę, że takowi się znajdą.. :)


21-07-2008, 23:32
php.ini serwera albo .htaccess (o ile Twoj serwer umozliwia zmiane parametrow poprzez htaccess)