Zobacz pełną wersję : problem z galerią

07-10-2008, 15:24
Witam, zainstalowałam galerię "paxgallery"(joomla 1.0.15) i chciałam wczytać zdjęcia. Pokazuje mi się cały czas taki błąd.

PAXGallery: Dziennik Wczytywania Plików Set Updir to: /home/site/16436/www/images/PAXGalleries/pax1/
Error: 2, Error: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg (http://www.lafklub.pl/administrator/function.imagejpeg)]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid/gid is 13804/16436 is not allowed to access /home/site/php_uploads owned by uid/gid 999/0 in file /home/site/16436/www/administrator/components/com_paxgallery/uploader.class.php at line 685
Error: 2, Error: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg (http://www.lafklub.pl/administrator/function.imagejpeg)]: Invalid filename in file /home/site/16436/www/administrator/components/com_paxgallery/uploader.class.php at line 685
Error: 2, Error: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize (http://www.lafklub.pl/administrator/function.getimagesize)]: Unable to access /home/site/php_uploads/IMG_3300.jpg in file /home/site/16436/www/administrator/components/com_paxgallery/uploader.class.php at line 593
Error: 2, Error: getimagesize(/home/site/php_uploads/IMG_3300.jpg) [function.getimagesize (http://www.lafklub.pl/administrator/function.getimagesize)]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in file /home/site/16436/www/administrator/components/com_paxgallery/uploader.class.php at line 593
Log for File IMG_3300.JPG:
handle Upload started...
File IMG_3300.JPG uploaded
Found Temp Dir: /home/site/php_uploads/
Checking zip extension... Ext: .JPG
Not using FTP Mode for single File
Starting Picture resize:
not to resize
Saving tmp-image to /home/site/php_uploads/IMG_3300.jpg
Starting Picture resize:
Error: images type not supported or not detected

Error creating Thumbnal

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