Zobacz pełną wersję : Problem z menu

05-02-2010, 12:52
Witam wszystkich, proszę o pomoc:
mam problem z wyświetlaniem się artykułów w liście kategorii, pojawia się przed nimi niepotrzebna numeracja i nie bardzo wiem jak ją usunąć.

Kombinuję z plikiem view.html.php ale nie do końca mogę to tam znaleźć, ktoś wie jak to usunąć.

Na stronie to wygląda podobnie jak tutaj: http://wnhis.uksw.edu.pl/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=29&Itemid=83
te numerki z przodu wyglądają idiotycznie...

końcówka ucieta bo plik zbyt duży
* @version $Id: view.html.php 11408 2009-01-10 02:24:28Z ian $
* @package Joomla
* @subpackage Content
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant to the
* GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or is derivative
* of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or other free or open
* source software licenses. See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and
* details.

// Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla!
defined('_JEXEC') or die( 'Restricted access' );

require_once (JPATH_COMPONENT.DS.'view.php');

* HTML View class for the Content component
* @package Joomla
* @subpackage Content
* @since 1.5
class ContentViewCategory extends ContentView
function display($tpl = null)
global $mainframe, $option;

// Initialize some variables
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$uri =& JFactory::getURI();
$document =& JFactory::getDocument();
$pathway =& $mainframe->getPathway();

// Get the menu item object
$menus = &JSite::getMenu();
$menu = $menus->getActive();

// Get the page/component configuration
$params = clone($mainframe->getParams('com_content'));

// Request variables
$layout = JRequest::getCmd('layout');
$task = JRequest::getCmd('task');

// Parameters
$params->def('num_leading_articles', 1);
$params->def('num_intro_articles', 4);
$params->def('num_columns', 2);
$params->def('num_links', 4);
$params->def('show_headings', 1);
$params->def('show_pagination', 2);
$params->def('show_pagination_results', 1);
$params->def('show_pagination_limit', 1);
$params->def('filter', 1);

$intro = $params->get('num_intro_articles');
$leading = $params->get('num_leading_articles');
$links = $params->get('num_links');

$limitstart = JRequest::getVar('limitstart', 0, '', 'int');

if ($layout == 'blog') {
$default_limit = $intro + $leading + $links;
} else {
$params->def('display_num', $mainframe->getCfg('list_limit'));
$default_limit = $params->get('display_num');
$limit = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('com_content.'.$this->getLayout().'.limit', 'limit', $default_limit, 'int');

JRequest::setVar('limit', (int) $limit);

$contentConfig = &JComponentHelper::getParams('com_content');
$params->def('show_page_title', $contentConfig->get('show_title'));

// Get some data from the model
$items = & $this->get( 'Data' );
$total = & $this->get( 'Total' );
$category = & $this->get( 'Category' );

//add alternate feed link
if($params->get('show_feed_link', 1) == 1)
$link = '&format=feed&limitstart=';
$attribs = array('type' => 'application/rss+xml', 'title' => 'RSS 2.0');
$document->addHeadLink(JRoute::_($link.'&type=rss'), 'alternate', 'rel', $attribs);
$attribs = array('type' => 'application/atom+xml', 'title' => 'Atom 1.0');
$document->addHeadLink(JRoute::_($link.'&type=atom'), 'alternate', 'rel', $attribs);

// Create a user access object for the user
$access = new stdClass();
$access->canEdit = $user->authorize('com_content', 'edit', 'content', 'all');
$access->canEditOwn = $user->authorize('com_content', 'edit', 'content', 'own');
$access->canPublish = $user->authorize('com_content', 'publish', 'content', 'all');

// Set page title per category
// because the application sets a default page title, we need to get it
// right from the menu item itself
if (is_object( $menu )) {
$menu_params = new JParameter( $menu->params );
if (!$menu_params->get( 'page_title')) {
$params->set('page_title', $category->title);
} else {
$params->set('page_title', $category->title);
$document->setTitle( $params->get( 'page_title' ) );

//set breadcrumbs
if(is_object($menu) && $menu->query['view'] != 'category') {
$pathway->addItem($category->title, '');

// Prepare category description
$category->description = JHTML::_('content.prepare', $category->description);

$params->def('date_format', JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC1'));

// Keep a copy for safe keeping this is soooooo dirty -- must deal with in a later version
// @todo -- oh my god we need to find this reference issue in 1.6 :)
$this->_params = $params->toArray();

//In case we are in a blog view set the limit
if ($layout == 'blog') {
$pagination = new JPagination($total, $limitstart, $limit - $links);
} else {
$pagination = new JPagination($total, $limitstart, $limit);

$this->assign('total', $total);
$this->assign('action', $uri->toString());

$this->assignRef('items', $items);
$this->assignRef('params', $params);
$this->assignRef('category', $category);
$this->assignRef('user', $user);
$this->assignRef('access', $access);
$this->assignRef('pagination', $pagination);


function &getItems()
global $mainframe;

//create select lists
$user = &JFactory::getUser();
$lists = $this->_buildSortLists();

if (!count( $this->items ) )
$this->assign('lists', $lists);
$return = array();
return $return;

//create paginatiion
if ($lists['filter']) {
$this->data->link .= '&amp;filter='.$lists['filter'];

$k = 0;
$i = 0;
foreach($this->items as $key => $item)
// checks if the item is a public or registered/special item
if ($item->access <= $user->get('aid', 0))
$item->link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($ite m->slug, $item->catslug, $item->sectionid));
$item->readmore_register = false;
$item->link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_user&task=register');
$returnURL = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($ite m->slug, $item->catslug, $item->sectionid));
$fullURL = new JURI($item->link);
$fullURL->setVar('return', base64_encode($returnURL));
$item->link = $fullURL->toString();
$item->readmore_register = true;
$item->created = JHTML::_('date', $item->created, $this->params->get('date_format'));

$item->odd = $k;
$item->count = $i;

$this->items[$key] = $item;
$k = 1 - $k;

$this->assign('lists', $lists);

return $this->items;

function &getItem($index = 0, &$params)
global $mainframe;

// Initialize some variables
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();

$SiteName = $mainframe->getCfg('sitename');

$item =& $this->items[$index];
$item->text = $item->introtext;

$category = & $this->get( 'Category' );
$item->category = $category->title;
$item->section = $category->sectiontitle;

// Get the page/component configuration and article parameters
$item->params = clone($params);
$aparams = new JParameter($item->attribs);

// Merge article parameters into the page configuration

// Process the content preparation plugins
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onPrepareContent', array (& $item, & $item->params, 0));

// Build the link and text of the readmore button
if (($item->params->get('show_readmore') && @ $item->readmore) || $item->params->get('link_titles'))
// checks if the item is a public or registered/special item
if ($item->access <= $user->get('aid', 0))
//$item->readmore_link = JRoute::_('index.php?view=article&catid='.$this->category->slug.'&id='.$item->slug);
$item->readmore_link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($ite m->slug, $item->catslug, $item->sectionid));
$item->readmore_register = false;
$item->readmore_link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_user&view=login');
$returnURL = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($ite m->slug, $item->catslug, $item->sectionid));
$fullURL = new JURI($item->readmore_link);
$fullURL->setVar('return', base64_encode($returnURL));
$item->readmore_link = $fullURL->toString();
$item->readmore_register = true;

$item->event = new stdClass();
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterDisplayTitle', array (& $item, & $item->params,0));
$item->event->afterDisplayTitle = trim(implode("\n", $results));

$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeDisplayContent', array (& $item, & $item->params, 0));
$item->event->beforeDisplayContent = trim(implode("\n", $results));

$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterDisplayContent', array (& $item, & $item->params, 0));
$item->event->afterDisplayContent = trim(implode("\n", $results));

return $item;

function _buildSortLists()
// Table ordering values
$filter = JRequest::getString('filter');
global $mainframe;
$itemid = JRequest::getInt('id',0) . ':' . JRequest::getInt('Itemid',0);
$filter_order = $mainframe-

05-02-2010, 13:05
A po co ten kod?
Zmiany należy dokonać w pliku definiującym szablon listy kategorii, korzystając z nadpisywania szablonem. Wyjaśniałem to już w ub. tygodniu.