Zobacz pełną wersję : Problem z com_contact

25-08-2006, 13:32

Kiedy wchodze na index.php?option=com_contact to pokazuje mi się coś takiego:

126) ) { // always encode "\t", which is *not* required $h2 = floor($dec/16); $h1 = floor($dec%16); $c = $escape.$hex["$h2"].$hex["$h1"]; } if ( (strlen($newline) + strlen($c)) >= $line_max ) { // CRLF is not counted $output .= $newline.$escape.$eol; // soft line break; " =\r\n" is okay $newline = " "; } $newline .= $c; } // end of for $output .= $newline; if ($jproperties[$key] = quoted_printable_encode($number); } // UNTESTED !!! function setPhoto($type, $photo) { // $type = "GIF" | "JPEG" $this->properties["PHOTO;TYPE=$type;ENCODING=BASE64"] = base64_encode($photo); } function setFormattedName($name) { $this->properties["FN"] = quoted_printable_encode($name); } function setName($family="", $first="", $additional="", $prefix="", $suffix="") { $this->properties["N"] = "$family;$first;$additional;$prefix;$suffix"; $this->filename = "$first%20$family.vcf"; if ($this->properties["FN"]=="") $this->setFormattedName(trim("$prefix $first $additional $family $suffix")); } function setBirthday($date) { // $date format is YYYY-MM-DD $this->properties["BDAY"] = $date; } function setAddress($postoffice="", $extended="", $street="", $city="", $region="", $zip="", $country="", $type="HOME;POSTAL") { // $type may be DOM | INTL | POSTAL | PARCEL | HOME | WORK or any combination of these: e.g. "WORK;PARCEL;POSTAL" $key = "ADR"; if ($type!="") $key.= ";$type"; $key.= ";ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE"; $this->properties[$key] = encode($name).";".encode($extended).";".encode($street).";".encode($city).";".encode($region).";".encode($zip).";".encode($country); if ($this->properties["LABEL;$type;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE"] == "") { //$this->setLabel($postoffice, $extended, $street, $city, $region, $zip, $country, $type); } } function setLabel($postoffice="", $extended="", $street="", $city="", $region="", $zip="", $country="", $type="HOME;POSTAL") { $label = ""; if ($postoffice!="") $label.= "$postoffice\r\n"; if ($extended!="") $label.= "$extended\r\n"; if ($street!="") $label.= "$street\r\n"; if ($zip!="") $label.= "$zip "; if ($city!="") $label.= "$city\r\n"; if ($region!="") $label.= "$region\r\n"; if ($country!="") $country.= "$country\r\n"; $this->properties["LABEL;$type;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE"] = quoted_printable_encode($label); } function setEmail($address) { $this->properties["EMAIL;INTERNET"] = $address; } function setNote($note) { $this->properties["NOTE;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE"] = quoted_printable_encode($note); } function setURL($url, $type="") { // $type may be WORK | HOME $key = "URL"; if ($type!="") $key.= ";$type"; $this->properties[$key] = $url; } function getVCard() { $text = "BEGIN:VCARD\r\n"; $text.= "VERSION:2.1\r\n"; foreach($this->properties as $key => $value) { $text.= "$key:$value\r\n"; } $text.= "REV:".date("Y-m-d")."T".date("H:i:s")."Z\r\n"; $text.= "MAILER:PHP vCard class by Kai Blankenhorn\r\n"; $text.= "END:VCARD\r\n"; return $text; } function getFileName() { return $this->filename; } } // USAGE EXAMPLE /* $v = new vCard(); $v->setPhoneNumber("+49 23 456789", "PREF;HOME;VOICE"); $v->setName("Mustermann", "Thomas", "", "Herr"); $v->setBirthday("1960-07-31"); $v->setAddress("", "", "Musterstrasse 20", "Musterstadt", "", "98765", "Deutschland"); $v->setEmail("thomas.mustermann@thomas-mustermann.de"); $v->setNote("You can take some notes here.\r\nMultiple lines are supported via \\r\\n."); $v->setURL("http://www.thomas-mustermann.de", "WORK"); $output = $v->getVCard(); $filename = $v->getFileName(); Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename"); Header("Content-Length: ".strlen($output)); Header("Connection: close"); Header("Content-Type: text/x-vCard; name=$filename"); echo $output; */ ?>
Fatal error: Class 'vCard' not found in /srv/www/htdocs/web1629/html/components/com_contact/contact.class.php on line 86

To samo jest w ACP w ustawieniach kontaktów ;|

Jak mogę to naprawić ?