Zobacz pełną wersję : Problem z JoomlaPack

15-06-2010, 09:16

Z góry przepraszam zwiastuna za to że w ogóle ośmieliłem się zadać pytanie na forum :)

Mam problem z bacup'em a mianowicie podczas jego robienia wyskakuje mi błąd log poniżej:

WARNING: Do not copy and paste lines from this file!
You are supposed to ZIP and attach it in your support forum post.
If you fail to do so, your support request will receive minimal priority.

INFO |100615 03:05:57|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO |100615 03:05:57|Akeeba Backup 3.0 (2010-06-11)
INFO |100615 03:05:57|Got backup?
INFO |100615 03:05:57|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO |100615 03:05:57|--- System Information ---
INFO |100615 03:05:57|PHP Version :5.2.12
INFO |100615 03:05:57|OS Version :Linux
INFO |100615 03:05:57|DB Version :5.1.45-3
INFO |100615 03:05:57|Web Server :Apache
INFO |100615 03:05:57|PHP Interface :apache2handler
INFO |100615 03:05:57|Joomla! version :Joomla! 1.5.15 Stable [ Wojmamni Ama Mamni ] 05-November-2009 04:00 GMT
INFO |100615 03:05:57|Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; pl; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
INFO |100615 03:05:57|Safe mode :
INFO |100615 03:05:57|Display errors :on
INFO |100615 03:05:57|Disabled functions :exec,system,passthru,shell_exec,escapeshellarg,es capeshellcmd,proc_close,proc_open,ini_alter,dl,pop en,popen,pcntl_exec,socket_accept,socket_bind,sock et_clear_error,socket_close,socket_connect,socket_ create_listen,socket_create_pair,socket_create,soc ket_get_option,socket_getpeername,socket_getsockna me,socket_last_error,socket_listen,socket_read,soc ket_recv,socket_recvfrom,socket_select,socket_send ,socket_sendto,socket_set_block,socket_set_nonbloc k,socket_set_option,socket_shutdown,socket_strerro r,socket_write,stream_socket_client,stream_socket_ server,pfsockopen,stream_set_timeout,disk_total_sp ace,disk_free_space,chown,diskfreespace,getrusage, get_current_user,set_time_limit,getmyuid,getmypid, dl,leak,listen,chgrp,link,symlink,dlopen,proc_nice ,proc_get_stats,proc_terminate,shell_exec,sh2_exec ,posix_getpwuid,posix_getgrgid,posix_kill,ini_rest ore,mkfifo,dbmopen,dbase_open,filepro,filepro_rowc ount,posix_mkfifo,putenv,geoip_open,sleep
INFO |100615 03:05:57|open_basedir restr.:/php_sessions:/tmp:/var/www/errors:/usr/share/php:<root>
INFO |100615 03:05:57|Max. exec. time :10
INFO |100615 03:05:57|Memory limit :24M
INFO |100615 03:05:57|Current mem. usage :5802964
INFO |100615 03:05:57|GZIP Compression : available (good)
INFO |100615 03:05:57|JPATH_BASE :<root>/administrator
INFO |100615 03:05:57|JPATH_SITE :<root>
INFO |100615 03:05:57|JPATH_ROOT :<root>
INFO |100615 03:05:57|JPATH_CACHE :<root>/administrator/cache
INFO |100615 03:05:57|Computed root :<root>
INFO |100615 03:05:57|Output directory :<root>/backup
INFO |100615 03:05:57|Temporary directory:<root>/backup
INFO |100615 03:05:57|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO |100615 03:05:57|Akeeba Backup has detected the following potential problems:
INFO |100615 03:05:57|- 401 ZIP format selected (low)
INFO |100615 03:05:57|You probably do not have to worry about them, but you should be aware of them.
INFO |100615 03:05:57|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO |100615 03:05:57|Loaded profile #1
DEBUG |100615 03:05:57|----- Finished operation 1 ------
DEBUG |100615 03:05:57|AkeebaPackerZIP :: New instance
DEBUG |100615 03:05:57|Chunk size for CRC is now 1048576 bytes
DEBUG |100615 03:05:57|Archive template name: site-[HOST]-[DATE]-[TIME]
DEBUG |100615 03:05:57|Expanded template name: site-miwi.xtreemhost.com-20100615-070557
DEBUG |100615 03:05:57|Backup type is now set to 'full'
DEBUG |100615 03:05:57|Expanded archive file name: <root>/backup/site-miwi.xtreemhost.com-20100615-070557.zip
DEBUG |100615 03:05:57|Initializing archiver engine
DEBUG |100615 03:05:57|AkeebaPackerZIP :: initialize - archive <root>/backup/site-miwi.xtreemhost.com-20100615-070557.zip
DEBUG |100615 03:05:57|AkeebaPackerZIP :: CntDir Tempfile = <root>/backup/jpzcdW7NwNz
DEBUG |100615 03:05:57|AkeebaPackerZIP :: Killing old archive
DEBUG |100615 03:05:57|----- Finished operation 2 ------
DEBUG |100615 03:05:57|----- Finished operation 3 ------
DEBUG |100615 03:05:57|Successful Smart algorithm on AECoreDomainInit
DEBUG |100615 03:05:57|Kettenrad :: Domain 'init' has finished.
DEBUG |100615 03:05:57|====== Finished Step number 1 ======
DEBUG |100615 03:05:57|*** Batching of engine steps finished. I will now return control to the caller.

prosiłbym o pomoc.

19-06-2010, 10:12
Witam a próbowałeś może zmienić format zapisu plików z zip na jpa? Wiem że był taki problem przy przejściu na nowszą wersję tego dodtatku. Wystraczyło zmienić format zapisu backupu.


19-06-2010, 13:11
INFO |100615 03:05:57|Output directory :<root>/backup <- 755 ma atrybut ? ten katalog jest wkatalogu joomli czy powyżej ?
INFO |100615 03:05:57|Temporary directory:<root>/backup <- zmien na to co było czyli tmp

20-06-2010, 12:33
zip czy jpa to samo wyskakuje.
ma atrybut 755 i jest w katalogu htdocs/
a co to znaczy zminic na tmp??

20-06-2010, 13:59
zip czy jpa to samo wyskakuje.
ma atrybut 755 i jest w katalogu htdocs/
a co to znaczy zminic na tmp??
Akeeba -> configuration -> 2 pierwsze od góry
Basic Configuration - Output Directory
Temporary Directory - Output Directory
Nie masz ustawionych domyślnie a to może być problem.
Po za tym Joomla! version :Joomla! 1.5.15 Stable obecna wersja to 1.5.18