Zobacz pełną wersję : Inny folder (zamiast root-a) w Ninjaxplorer na stale

25-05-2011, 21:52
jak zmienic w komponencie Ninjaxplorer na stale katalog z root-a na inny
np: /images/nowe/obrazki

plik conf.php Ninjaxplorera jest taki:

// ensure this file is being included by a parent file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

// Configuration Variables
// login to use joomlaXplorer: (true/false)
$GLOBALS["require_login"] = false;

//$lang = JLanguage::getInstance( $lang );
$filedir = $lang->getBackwardLang();

$GLOBALS["language"] = $filedir;

// the filename of the QuiXplorer script: (you rarely need to change this)
if($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443 ) {
$GLOBALS["script_name"] = "https://".$GLOBALS['__SERVER']['HTTP_HOST'].$GLOBALS['__SERVER']["PHP_SELF"];
else {
$GLOBALS["script_name"] = "http://".$GLOBALS['__SERVER']['HTTP_HOST'].$GLOBALS['__SERVER']["PHP_SELF"];

// allow Zip, Tar, TGz -> Only (experimental) Zip-support
if( function_exists("gzcompress")) {
$GLOBALS["zip"] = $GLOBALS["tgz"] = true;
else {
$GLOBALS["zip"] = $GLOBALS["tgz"] = false;

// Global User Variables (used when $require_login==false)

if( strstr( JPATH_BASE, "/" )) {
$GLOBALS["separator"] = "/";
else {
$GLOBALS["separator"] = "\\";

// the home directory for the filemanager: (use '/', not '\' or '\\', no trailing '/')

// !Note! This has been changed since joomlaXplorer 1.3.0
// and now grants access to all directories for one level ABOVE this Site
$dir_above = substr( JPATH_BASE, 0, strrpos( JPATH_BASE, $GLOBALS["separator"] ));
if( !@is_readable($dir_above) || !is_dir($dir_above) ) {
$GLOBALS["home_dir"] = JPATH_BASE;
// the url corresponding with the home directory: (no trailing '/')
$GLOBALS["home_url"] = JURI::root();
else {
$GLOBALS["home_dir"] = $dir_above;
// the url corresponding with the home directory: (no trailing '/')
$GLOBALS["home_url"] = substr( JURI::root(), 0, strrpos(JURI::root(), '/'));

// show hidden files in QuiXplorer: (hide files starting with '.', as in Linux/UNIX)
$GLOBALS["show_hidden"] = true;

// filenames not allowed to access: (uses PCRE regex syntax)
$GLOBALS["no_access"] = "";

// user permissions bitfield: (1=modify, 2=password, 4=admin, add the numbers)
$GLOBALS["permissions"] = 7;
/* NOTE:
Users can be defined by using the Admin-section,
or in the file "config/.htusers.php".
For more information about PCRE Regex Syntax,
go to http://www.php.net/pcre.pattern.syntax
nie znam phpa choc probowalem cos ale wywala bledy ;),
jak i gdzie ta siezke wpisac?
