Zobacz pełną wersję : Edycja templatki, brak kodu.

22-07-2011, 13:17
Witam, chcialem edytowac szablon:


jednak kiedy wubiore opcje "Edit HTML", jedyne co wyswietla mi sie to kod PHP/smarty:


# myStore - May 2010 (for Joomla 1.5)
# Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Gavick.com. All Rights Reserved.
# License: Copyrighted Commercial Software
# Website: http://www.gavick.com
# Support: support@gavick.com
# Based on T3 Framework
# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
# @license - GNU/GPL, http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
# Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd

// no direct access
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );

include_once (dirname(__FILE__).DS.'libs'.DS.'gk.template.helpe r.php');

$tmpl = GKTemplateHelper::getInstance($this, array('ui', GK_TOOL_SCREEN, GK_TOOL_MENU, 'main_layout', 'direction'));

//Calculate the width of template
$tmplWidth = '';
$tmplWrapMin = '100%';
switch ($tmpl->getParam(GK_TOOL_SCREEN)){
case 'auto':
$tmplWidth = '97%';
case 'fluid':
$tmplWidth = intval($tmpl->getParam('gk_screen-fluid-fix-gk_screen_width'));
$tmplWidth = $tmplWidth ? $tmplWidth.'%' : '90%';
case 'fix':
$tmplWidth = intval($tmpl->getParam('gk_screen-fluid-fix-gk_screen_width'));
$tmplWrapMin = $tmplWidth ? ($tmplWidth+1).'px' : '771px';
$tmplWidth = $tmplWidth ? $tmplWidth.'px' : '770px';
$tmplWidth = intval($tmpl->getParam(GK_TOOL_SCREEN));
$tmplWrapMin = $tmplWidth ? ($tmplWidth+1).'px' : '983px';
$tmplWidth = $tmplWidth ? $tmplWidth.'px' : '982px';

$tmpl->setParam ('tmplWidth', $tmplWidth);
$tmpl->setParam ('tmplWrapMin', $tmplWrapMin);

//Main navigation
$gk_menutype = $tmpl->getMenuType();
$gkmenu = null;
if ($gk_menutype && $gk_menutype != 'none') {
$gkparams = new JParameter('');
$gkparams->set( 'menutype', $tmpl->getParam('menutype', 'mainmenu') );
$gkparams->set( 'menu_images_align', 'left' );
$gkparams->set( 'menupath', $tmpl->templateurl() .'/gk_menus');
$gkparams->set('menu_images', 1); //0: not show image, 1: show image which set in menu item
$gkparams->set('menu_background', 1); //0: image, 1: background
$gkparams->set('mega-colwidth', 200); //Megamenu only: Default column width
$gkparams->set('mega-style', 1); //Megamenu only: Menu style.
$gkparams->set('rtl',($tmpl->getParam('direction')=='rtl' || $tmpl->direction == 'rtl'));
$gkmenu = $tmpl->loadMenu($gkparams, $gk_menutype);
//End for main navigation

$layout = $tmpl->getLayout ();

if ($layout) {

function gkCSSReplace(){
$buf = JResponse::getBody();

preg_match_all('/\<link.*href=".*(modules|components).*\/\>/', $buf, $matches);
for($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++){
$buf = str_replace($matches[0][$i], '', $buf);

$startpoint = strpos($buf, '</title>');
$startpoint += 8;
$buf_start = substr($buf, 0, $startpoint);
$buf_end = substr($buf, $startpoint);
$buf_links = '';
for($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) {
$link_to_add = $matches[0][$i];
if(preg_match('/styleIE6/', $matches[0][$i])) { $link_to_add = '<!--[if IE 6]>' . $link_to_add . '<![endif]-->'; }
if(preg_match('/styleIE7/', $matches[0][$i])) { $link_to_add = '<!--[if IE 7.0]>' . $link_to_add . '<![endif]-->'; }
$buf_links .= $link_to_add;
$buf = $buf_start . $buf_links . $buf_end;

$dispatcher = &JDispatcher::getInstance();
$dispatcher->register('onAfterRender', 'gkCSSReplace');

gdzie moge znalezc html odpowiadajacy za wyglad strony? chcialem pododawac rozne rzeczy do footer itd...

22-07-2011, 18:24
Pewnikiem w katalogu templates. Przez ftp lub na kompie bo przeciez wysylales to.

Gavick ma dobry support z fajnymi instrukcjami. A jak poprosisz to nawet po polsku Ci wytlumacza bo to Polacy.

Klientom, ktorzy legalnie kupili szablony sa bardzo pomocni. Bo masz go legalnie, tak?

---wyslane za pomoca Tapatalk