Zobacz pełną wersję : Virtuemart 2.0.0 RC2 - problem z uruchomieniem

24-09-2011, 21:04
Mam stronkę na Joomla 1.6.5. Serwer: Baza Danych:MySQL 5.1.57-5.1.57+tld2-log; Wersja PHP: 5.2.16-0+tld0 (Zend: 2.2.0). Zainstalowałem dzisiaj Virtuemart 2 RC 2. Na zaplecu wszystko jest OK. Ustawiłem button "SKLEP" jako Typ pozycji menu: Strona główna VirtueMart. A po kliknieciu mam nastepujący komunikat:
Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'JPATH_PLATFORM/joomla/html/parameter.php' (include_path='.:/home/lib:/home/lib/php:/home/lib/pear:/home/lib/php/pear:/home/conf/lib:/usr/share/fpdf:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in /home/users/xxxx/xxx/xxxx/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/currencydisplay.php on line 162

Zaglądam do currencydisplay.php do pozycji 162:

if(!class_exists('JParameter')) require(JPATH_VM_LIBRARIES.DS.'joomla'.DS.'html'.D S.'parameter.php' );

I nie wiem gdzie jest ten parameter.php żeby go ogladnąć..... zaćma siakas...
Czemu VM2 mi nie chodzi? Czyżby wymagał min PHP 5.3 ??:blink:??

---------- Post dodany o 21:04 ---------- Poprzedni post był o 20:16 ----------

Znalazłem w libraries\joomla\html\parameter.php

* @version $Id: parameter.php 20196 2011-01-09 02:40:25Z ian $
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2011 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

// No direct access
defined('JPATH_BASE') or die;


// Register the element class with the loader.
JLoader::register('JElement', dirname(__FILE__).'/parameter/element.php');

* Parameter handler
* @package Joomla.Framework
* @subpackage Parameter
* @since 1.5
class JParameter extends JRegistry
* The raw params string
* @var string
* @since 1.5
protected $_raw = null;

* The xml params element
* @var object
* @since 1.5
protected $_xml = null;

* loaded elements
* @var array
* @since 1.5
protected $_elements = array();

* directories, where element types can be stored
* @var array
* @since 1.5
protected $_elementPath = array();

* Constructor
* @param string The raw parms text.
* @param string Path to the xml setup file.
* @since 1.5
public function __construct($data = '', $path = '')

// Set base path.
$this->_elementPath[] = dirname(__FILE__).'/parameter/element';

if ($data = trim($data)) {
if (strpos($data, '{') === 0) {
} else {

if ($path) {

$this->_raw = $data;

* Sets a default value if not alreay assigned.
* @param string The name of the parameter.
* @param string An optional value for the parameter.
* @param string An optional group for the parameter.
* @return string The value set, or the default if the value was not previously set (or null).
* @since 1.5
public function def($key, $default = '', $group = '_default')
$value = $this->get($key, (string) $default, $group);
return $this->set($key, $value);

* Sets the XML object from custom xml files.
* @param JSimpleXMLElement An XML object.
* @since 1.5
public function setXML(&$xml)
if (is_object($xml)) {
if ($group = $xml->attributes('group')) {
$this->_xml[$group] = $xml;
} else {
$this->_xml['_default'] = $xml;

if ($dir = $xml->attributes('addpath')) {
$this->addElementPath(JPATH_ROOT . str_replace('/', DS, $dir));

* Bind data to the parameter.
* @param mixed An array or object.
* @param string An optional group that the data should bind to. The default group is used if not supplied.
* @return boolean True if the data was successfully bound, false otherwise.
* @since 1.5
public function bind($data, $group = '_default')
if (is_array($data)) {
return $this->loadArray($data, $group);
} elseif (is_object($data)) {
return $this->loadObject($data, $group);
} else {
return $this->loadJSON($data, $group);

* Render the form control.
* @param string An optional name of the HTML form control. The default is 'params' if not supplied.
* @param string An optional group to render. The default group is used if not supplied.
* @return string HTML
* @since 1.5
public function render($name = 'params', $group = '_default')
if (!isset($this->_xml[$group])) {
return false;

$params = $this->getParams($name, $group);
$html = array ();

if ($description = $this->_xml[$group]->attributes('description')) {
// add the params description to the display
$desc = JText::_($description);
$html[] = '<p class="paramrow_desc">'.$desc.'</p>';

foreach ($params as $param) {
if ($param[0]) {
$html[] = $param[0];
$html[] = $param[1];
} else {
$html[] = $param[1];

if (count($params) < 1) {
$html[] = "<p class=\"noparams\">".JText::_('JLIB_HTML_NO_PARAMETERS_FOR_THIS_ITEM') ."</p>";

return implode(PHP_EOL, $html);

* Render all parameters to an array.
* @param string An optional name of the HTML form control. The default is 'params' if not supplied.
* @param string An optional group to render. The default group is used if not supplied.
* @return array
* @since 1.5
public function renderToArray($name = 'params', $group = '_default')
if (!isset($this->_xml[$group])) {
return false;
$results = array();
foreach ($this->_xml[$group]->children() as $param) {
$result = $this->getParam($param, $name, $group);
$results[$result[5]] = $result;
return $results;

* Return the number of parameters in a group.
* @param string An optional group. The default group is used if not supplied.
* @return mixed False if no params exist or integer number of parameters that exist.
* @since 1.5
public function getNumParams($group = '_default')
if (!isset($this->_xml[$group]) || !count($this->_xml[$group]->children())) {
return false;
} else {
return count($this->_xml[$group]->children());

* Get the number of params in each group.
* @return array Array of all group names as key and parameters count as value.
* @since 1.5
public function getGroups()
if (!is_array($this->_xml)) {
return false;

$results = array();
foreach ($this->_xml as $name => $group) {
$results[$name] = $this->getNumParams($name);
return $results;

* Render all parameters.
* @param string An optional name of the HTML form control. The default is 'params' if not supplied.
* @param string An optional group to render. The default group is used if not supplied.
* @return array An array of all parameters, each as array of the label, the form element and the tooltip.
* @since 1.5
public function getParams($name = 'params', $group = '_default')
if (!isset($this->_xml[$group])) {
return false;

$results = array();
foreach ($this->_xml[$group]->children() as $param) {
$results[] = $this->getParam($param, $name, $group);
return $results;

* Render a parameter type.
* @param object A parameter XML element.
* @param string An optional name of the HTML form control. The default is 'params' if not supplied.
* @param string An optional group to render. The default group is used if not supplied.
* @return array Any array of the label, the form element and the tooltip.
* @since 1.5
public function getParam(&$node, $control_name = 'params', $group = '_default')
// Get the type of the parameter.
$type = $node->attributes('type');

$element = $this->loadElement($type);

// Check for an error.
if ($element === false) {
$result = array();
$result[0] = $node->attributes('name');
$result[1] = JText::_('Element not defined for type').' = '.$type;
$result[5] = $result[0];
return $result;

// Get value.
$value = $this->get($node->attributes('name'), $node->attributes('default'), $group);

return $element->render($node, $value, $control_name);

* Loads an xml setup file and parses it.
* @param string A path to the XML setup file.
* @return object
* @since 1.5
public function loadSetupFile($path)
$result = false;

if ($path) {
$xml = JFactory::getXMLParser('Simple');

if ($xml->loadFile($path)) {
if ($params = $xml->document->params) {
foreach ($params as $param) {
$result = true;
} else {
$result = true;

return $result;

* Loads an element type.
* @param string The element type.
* @param boolean False (default) to reuse parameter elements; true to load the parameter element type again.
* @return object
* @since 1.5
public function loadElement($type, $new = false)
$signature = md5($type);

if ((isset($this->_elements[$signature]) && !($this->_elements[$signature] instanceof __PHP_Incomplete_Class)) && $new === false) {
return $this->_elements[$signature];

$elementClass = 'JElement'.$type;
if (!class_exists($elementClass)) {
if (isset($this->_elementPath)) {
$dirs = $this->_elementPath;
} else {
$dirs = array();

$file = JFilterInput::getInstance()->clean(str_replace('_', DS, $type).'.php', 'path');

if ($elementFile = JPath::find($dirs, $file)) {
include_once $elementFile;
} else {
$false = false;
return $false;

if (!class_exists($elementClass)) {
$false = false;
return $false;

$this->_elements[$signature] = new $elementClass($this);

return $this->_elements[$signature];

* Add a directory where JParameter should search for element types.
* You may either pass a string or an array of directories.
* JParameter will be searching for a element type in the same
* order you added them. If the parameter type cannot be found in
* the custom folders, it will look in
* JParameter/types.
* @param string|array Directory or directories to search.
* @since 1.5
public function addElementPath($path)
// Just force path to array.
settype($path, 'array');

// Loop through the path directories.
foreach ($path as $dir) {
// No surrounding spaces allowed!
$dir = trim($dir);

// Add trailing separators as needed.
if (substr($dir, -1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
// Directory

// Add to the top of the search dirs.
array_unshift($this->_elementPath, $dir);


30-09-2011, 13:53
OK. Znalazłem powód.
Problem występuje tylko na Joomla 1.6
Wgrałem sklep Virtuemart 2.0.0 na Joomla 1.7 i takiego problemu niema.

30-09-2011, 23:29
Wniosek nasuwa się zatem jeden, nie używa się wersji, która wygasła.

04-10-2011, 22:21
Kilka słów nie ma wersji na dziś VM2 RC jest tylko virtuemart1.9.8.RC2G - to są wszystko wersje testowe. Jak pisze na blogu VM ROLLAND VAUGHAN wersja dwa ma się dopiero pojawić.