Zobacz pełną wersję : Dublowanie zapytań do baz danych :(

15-05-2007, 22:31
Witam, zauważyłem że pony gallery, datso i inne podobne komponenty w debug mod widać tpodówjne zapytania, czy to jest błąd joomli , debuga, czy komponentów ??

FROM CMS__menu
WHERE id = 128
SELECT imgcounter
FROM CMS__datsogallery
WHERE id='6'
SELECT imgcounter
FROM CMS__datsogallery
WHERE id='6'
UPDATE CMS__datsogallery
SET imgcounter='48'
WHERE id=6
select id, catid, imgtitle, imgauthor, imgtext, imgdate, imgcounter, imgvotes, imgvotesum, published, imgthumbname, owner from CMS__datsogallery where id = 6
select id, catid, imgtitle, imgauthor, imgtext, imgdate, imgcounter, imgvotes, imgvotesum, published, imgthumbname, owner from CMS__datsogallery where id = 6
select id, imgthumbname, imgtitle from CMS__datsogallery as a left join CMS__datsogallery_catg as ca on ca.cid =1 where 1 = ca.cid and a.published = 1 and a.approved = 1 and ca.published = 1 order by rand() desc limit 5
select id from CMS__datsogallery where catid = 1 and published = '1' and approved = 1 order by ordering ASC
SELECT cmtid, cmtip, cmtname, cmttext, cmtdate FROM CMS__datsogallery_comments WHERE cmtpic = '6' ORDER BY cmtid DESC
FROM CMS__components AS a
WHERE ( a.admin_menu_link = 'option=com_syndicate' OR a.admin_menu_link = 'option=com_syndicate&hidemainmenu=1' )
AND a.option = 'com_syndicate'