Joomla! 1.0.11
SMF 1.1.1

po zainstalowaniu komponentu, i wciśnięciu zapisz, bez względu na to co wpisze wcześniej dostaję komunikat

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /home/sanpaj/ftp/hjh/joomla/administrator/components/com_smf/config.smf.php on line 4

Po wcisnięciu zpisz mój plik config.smf.php wygląda tak
global $smf_path, $smf_redirect, $bln_smf_redirect, $smf_prefix, $mos_prefix, $wrapped, $hideemail, $cbprofile, $registration_module, $mosurl;
$smf_path = "";
$smf_redirect = ;
$bln_joomla_redirect = ;
$mos_prefix = "jos_";
$smf_prefix = "";
$wrapped = ;
$hideemail = ;
$cbprofile = 0;
$registration_module = "";
$mosurl = "";
//The following are used for the syndication feed
$announce_url = "";
$news_url = "" ;
$latest_joomlasmf_url = "";

a jak do doprowadzę do postaci :
global $smf_path, $smf_redirect, $bln_smf_redirect, $smf_prefix, $mos_prefix, $wrapped, $hideemail, $cbprofile, $registration_module, $mosurl;
$smf_path = "";
$smf_redirect = "";
$bln_joomla_redirect = "";
$mos_prefix = "jos_";
$smf_prefix = "smf_";
$wrapped = 0;
$hideemail = 0;
$cbprofile = 0;
$registration_module = "";
$mosurl = "";
//The following are used for the syndication feed
$announce_url = "";
$news_url = "" ;
$latest_joomlasmf_url = "";

znowu zaczyna sie wyświetlac strona konfiguracji modułu ale jak wcisnę zapisz to to samo i tak moge sobie w kółko

jakies sugestie ?