
Jak już wrzucilem pliki zainstalowalem i przed tym bylo jedno pole czerwone mianowicie configuration.php i pisalo ze moge dalej instalowac i po zakonczeniu cos zrobic wbijam na strone i blad :

No configuration file found and no installation code available. Exiting...

Znalazlem rozwiaznie po angielsku >> http://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?t=265091

Na poczatku rozumiem ze trzeba zmienic configurastion.php-dist na configurastion.php i cos zrobic w pliku tego juz nie wiem i potem zapisac

for anyone having the above issue:

1. rename the configuration file to configuration.php as stated above

but then you have to edit the configuration.php file

in the file find the db, user, password fields a few lines down and re-enter all the correct database info that applies to your website.

save the corrections, and overwrite the existing file

make sure it is configuration.php

and delete the installation folder or rename it something else

you should be good to go : )
