Strasznie mi zalezy na ReMository w Joomla 1.5, jak wiadomo po wprowadzenie RC2 coś się dokumentnie usrało. Napisalem do autora pytanie, czy pracuja nad wersja dla RC2 itd., oto odpowiedź:
Not immediately, I made Remository work with Joomla 1.5 RC1 and also made a version that worked without requiring the legacy support.

But very little account seems to be paid to 3PDs by the Joomla developers
(see for example the issues surrounding release of 1.0.13) and I don't see
any justification for spending time developing Remository against an
unstable release of Joomla. When it is stable, Remository will be made
to work with it.

Best regards, Martin

Cóż, pozostaje czekać, dotyczy to chyba wszystkich dodatków które nie lubią się z Joomla 1.5.
