Zainstalowalem sobie komponent joomsites i wyskoczylo mi cos takie i nie moge sie polapac;

Site Updated

Data of the site has been updated successfully.
If you have changed the domain name or the name of the directory that store the site you must to change the values of the virtual host in the Apache Web Server and the DNS to allow the access with the new configuration
What have we to change?

If you have changed the domain name you must modify the ServerName in the virtual host and the entry in the DNS with the following value:
If you have changed the directory name that store the site you must modify the DocumentRoot and the Directory tag with the following value:
If you have changed either the domain name and the directory name you must changed all commented values
If you do not have access either to the Apache or to the DNS you have to send to the system administrator or your supplier of services the information that has been changed depending on:
DocumentRoot : //components/com_joommsites/sites/
ServerName :
DNS entry :

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