
1) A new version of Phoca Cart has been released - version 4.0.0 Beta


2) Overrides for Phoca Cart top modules have been released for the following templates/frameworks:

- Cassiopeia (Dropdown)
- Cassiopeia (metisMenu)
- Gantry 5
- YOOtheme
- Helix
- T4


3) New version of Phoca POS template has been released - version 4.0.0

All released stuff is related to Joomla 4 only.

In Beta version, compared to Alpha version, there is new feature: UIkit output (used in YOOtheme templates) which is an alternative to standrd Bootstrap 5 output.
Please, if anyone has the possibility to test the output in the YOOtheme template, I would be glad for feedback.

Top modules and their positions in different templates:

You can download Beta version here: https://www.phoca.cz/download/catego...cart-component

I would be very happy for testing and feedback.

Not to forget, if you are switching the output, it's also a good idea to load special CSS.

Thank you.